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LCPS has updated student attendance zones for the 2025-2026 school year.

Las Cruces Public Schools launched its plan to redraw school attendance zones on Aug. 14, 2024. This plan, under the direction of Sherley O'Brien, Chief of Student Services and Community Relations and LCPS Superintendent Ignacio Ruiz, coincides with the opening of the new Columbia Elementary School for the 2025-2026 school year. All recommendations, under the advisement of the Redistricting Advisory Committee and the contracted consultant, were presented to the LCPS Board of Education.

At the January 21, 2025 Board of Education meeting, the Board adopted Policy JFB, Student Transfers. You can read this policy here.

If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our dedicated hotline at 575-525-7121. Questions can also be emailed to

Redistricting Zone Update

Redistricting Implementation

The Board of Education voted on the Redistricting Plan at their meeting on December 17, 2024. The Board approved Elementary Option 1, Middle School Option 3 and High School Option 3.

View the new student attendance zones:

Important Notes

  • All families will be sent a letter identifying the assigned school for their children by the end of January. In that letter we will explain the exemption criteria and the process for requesting a transfer.

  • All transfers will be approved at the district level only. Principals will be consulted before a transfer is approved or denied in extenuating circumstances.

  • Students who meet exemption criteria will need to verify if they are choosing to stay at their current school.

  • Only siblings who are currently (24/25 SY) enrolled at the same school as an older sibling that meets exemption criteria are allowed to stay at the school.


  • If you have any questions or need additional information, please contact our dedicated hotline at 575-525-7121.

Exemption Rules for 25/26 School Year:

Incoming 5th graders, 8th graders, 11th graders & 12th graders stay at current school in addition to their siblings who are currently (24/25 SY) enrolled in the same school. Transportation is parent responsibility.​

All high school students currently (24/25 SY) on a competition roster for activities, fine arts and/or athletics can stay in their current school. Transportation is parent responsibility. Includes 8th grade students on a HS roster.​

All others must go to zoned schools (except students enrolled or assigned to a school for a program such as Special Education, Dual Language, magnet program or a school of choice i.e., APECHS, MVLA, RGPI).

Redistricting Implementation Timeline

Redistricting Timeline Community Roll Out January - June 2025. January-February 2025: Roll out to community.  January-May 2025: District teams preparing for implementation.  February 2025: Update to the Board. February-June 2025: School transition activities. May 2025: Update to the Board.  July 2025: Implementation of the approved plan.

Cronograma de reestructuración distrital Lanzamiento en la comunidad enero-junio 2025. enero-febrero 2025: Lanzamiento en la comunidad. enero-mayo 2025: Equipos distritales se preparan para su implementación. febrero 2025: Actualización a la Mesa Directiva. febrero-junio 2025: Actividades de transición escolar. mayo 2025: Actualización a la Mesa Directiva. julio 2025: Implementación del plan aprobado.