District Advisory Council Menu
Contact Community Outreach
Address: 505 S. Main Street, Ste. 249, Las Cruces, NM 88001
Phone: (575) 527-6014
Email: Brigitte Zigelhofer bzigelho@lcps.net
District Advisory Council
The District Advisory Council (DAC) consists of parents, teachers, staff and community members who meet on a bi-monthly basis, which equates to two meetings each semester. They discuss educational issues and provide feedback to the Superintendent and Board of Education with the goal of improving LCPS schools. The group typically discusses key topics such as school safety, district budget and district policy. At the conclusion of the meeting, parents are provided information to take back and discuss with their School Advisory Councils (SAC), which are similar to PTO or PTAs. Anyone interested in participating on the DAC should contact their school principal or Brigitte Zigelhofer, LCPS Community Outreach Liaison at bzigelho@lcps.net or (575)527-6014.